List 15

Iraqi stamp releases of the years 2022 & 2023

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Police Day

يوم الشرطة

Date of release: 06/02/2022

تاريخ الإصدار:  06/02/2022




Description: 2022 2148-50




Description: 22 Police Day FDC

  Description: 2022 Bl.173

Proposed date of issue: 09/01/2022

Denominations: Three, 500, 1,000 & 1,500 Dinars stamp set and a 1,500 Dinars S/Sheet.

Stamps designed by: Sa’ad Ghazi

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm, while 11.00x11.00 cm for the S/Sheet

Stamps perforation: 13.25 and imperforated for the S/Sheets

Stamps sheets: in 6x3 stamps in a colorful pictorial margined sheet.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps sets and 3,000 S/Sheets.


The Iraqi Indian Relations

العلاقات العراقية الهندية

Date of release: 17/02/2022

تاريخ الإصدار: 17/02/2022


 Description: 2022 2151


 Description: 22 Iraqi-Indian FDC

Proposed date of issue: requested by the Indian embassy in Baghdad, 2021

Denominations: single 1,000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Wathiq Mohammed

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 4x4 stamps per sheet with illustrative stamps’ sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 10,000 stamps.


The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

اليوم الدولي للقضاء على العنف ضد المرأة

Date of release: 13/03/2022

تاريخ الإصدار: 13/03/2022


Description: 2022 2152                 Description: 2022 Bl.174        




  Description: 22 Women FDC

Proposed date of issue: 25/11/2021

Denominations: single 1,000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Sa’ad Ghazi

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm                                                                                                             

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 5x4 stamps per sheet with illustrative stamps’ sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps.


On April 3rd, Complementing this stamp issue, Iraqi Post released a S/Sheet recalling the violations against Yazidi women after their territories were captured by ISIS during the year 2014.

Details: 2000 releases on gummed, plastic laminated & imperforated S/Sheets, 6.50x8.75 cm


Cultural diversity and traditional knowledge ( WIPO)

المعارف التقليدية والملكية الفكرية )المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية(

Date of release: 03/04/2022

تاريخ الإصدار: 03/04/2022




Description: 2022 2153-56






Description: 2022 Bl.175

Description: 22 Tredetional knowledge (2) FDC


Proposed date of issue: 03/04/2022

Denominations: Four, 250, 500, 750 & 1,000 Dinars stamp set and a 1,500 Dinars S/Sheet.

Stamps designed by: Sa’ad Ghazi

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm, while 12.00x8,75 cm for the S/Sheet

Stamps perforation: 13.25 and imperforated for the S/Sheets

Stamps sheets: in 4x4 stamps in a colorful pictorial margined sheet.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps sets and 3,000 S/Sheets.


Iraqi Post Day

يوم البريد العراقي

Date of release: 08/05/2022

تاريخ الإصدار: 08/05/2022


 Description: 2022 Iraq Post Day



Description: 22 Iraqi Post FDC 

Proposed date of issue: 22/04/2022

Denominations: single 1,000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Sa’ad Ghazi

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.50 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 30,000 stamps.


Kareem Al-Iraqi

كريم العراقي

Date of release: 25/07/2022

تاريخ الإصدار: 25/07/2022


 Description: 2022 Kareem Al-Iraqi



 Description: 22 Kareem Al-Iraqi FDC

Proposed date of issue: 25/07/2022

Denominations: single 1,000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Sa’ad Ghazi

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.50 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: in 3x4 stamps in a colorful pictorial margined sheet

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 10,000 stamps.


The Poet Al-Jawahiri’s 25th Years Death Anniversary

الذكرى 25 لوفاة الشاعرالجواهري

Date of release: 10/08/2022

تاريخ الإصدار:  10/08/2022





Description: 2022 Al-Jewahiri  







Description: 22 Al-Jewahiri FDC

Description: 2022 Al-Jewahiri SSheet

Proposed date of issue: 27/07/2022

Denominations: single 1,000 Dinars single stamp and a 1500 Dinars S/Sheet.

Stamps designed by: Sa’ad Ghazi

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.50 cm, while 11.50x8,00 cm for the S/Sheet

Stamps perforation: 13.25 and imperforated for the S/Sheets

Stamps sheets: 2x4 stamps per sheet with illustrative stamps’ sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 10,000 stamps and 3,000 S/Sheets

Christian and Yazidian and Baptist Endowments in Iraq

الاوقاف المسيحية والايزيدية والصابئية في العراق

Date of release: 10/10/2022

تاريخ الإصدار: 10/10/2022


 Description: 2022 Christian setDescription: 2022 Ezidian setDescription: 2022 Baptist set




 Description: 22 Iraqi endowment 2Description: 22 Iraqi endowment 3Description: 22 Iraqi endowment 1

Proposed date of issue: 10/10/2022

Denominations: the collection consists of three sub set of 250 & 1000 Dinars stamp denominations for the Christian Endowment set, 500 & 1000 Dinars stamp denominations for the Yazidian Endowment set and 250, 500 & 1,000 Dinars stamp denominations for the Baptist Endowment.

Stamps designed by: Sa’ad Ghazi for Christian and Baptist Endowments’ set, while Asim Mohammed for the Yazidian Endowment set.

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm for all stamps except for the Christian Endowment set, its 3.50 x 4.50 cm  

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: in 3x5 for the Baptist Endowments stamps sheet, 4x5 for the Christian Endowment stamps sheet and 6x4 for the Yazidian Endowment stamp sheet. All in a colorful pictorial margined sheet except for the Yazidian Endowment stamp sheet. .

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 10,000 stamps sets

World Post Day

اليوم العالمي للبريد

Date of release: 01/11/2022

تاريخ الإصدار: 01/11/2022

 Description: 2022 World Post Day Both Editions




Description: 22 World Post Day 

Proposed date of issue: 09/10/2022

Denominations: single 1,000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Joint Issue

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 4x5 stamps per sheet with illustrative stamps’ sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed:      01/11/2022 First edition Yellowish Green, 3,000 Stamps

                                    06/11/2022 Second edition Darker, 10,000 Stamps

Arab League Summit, Algeria

قمة جامعة الدول العربية، الجزائر

Date of release: 01/11/2022

تاريخ الإصدار: 01/11/2022


 Description: 2022 Arab League Summit Algeria Both Edition



 Description: 22 Arab League Summit

Proposed date of issue: 01/11/2022

Denominations: single 1,000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Joint Issue, Algeria

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed:      01/11/2022 First edition Yellowish Green, 3,000 Stamps

                                  06/11/2022 Second edition Darker, 10,000 Stamps


25th Arabian Gulf Cup in Basra  (first series)

كاس الخليج العربي 25 في البصرة   (المجموعة الاولى)

Date of release: 06/01/2023

تاريخ الإصدار: 06/01/2023

 Description: 2023 Gulf Cup1 Block    Description: 2023 Gulf Cup1 

Description: 2023 Gulf Cup1 Postcard








 Description: 2023 Gulf Cup Basra1 FDC






   Description: 2023 Gulf Cup Baghdad1 FDC




Proposed date of issue:  06/01/2023

Denominations: Six stamps sets consisting of 4 x 1000 and 2 x 2000 Dinars stamp denominations.  Four of the set’s denominations appeared in an illustrative margined block of four sheet-lets. A pre stamped 1000+500 Dinars Postcard.

Stamps designed by: Bahaa Talib for the Stadium, Dates Palm Trees and the Mosque stamps, while the rest by Sa’ad Ghazi. 

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm. Slandered (10x15) cm for the postcards

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 4x6

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 10,000 stamp sets, 3000 sheet-lets and 1000 (06/01/2023) + 2000 (12/01/2023) Postcards

25th Arabian Gulf Cup in Basra (second series)

كاس الخليج العربي 25 في البصرة  (المجموعة الثانية)

Date of release: 08/01/2023

تاريخ الإصدار:08/01/2023


Description: 2023 Gulf Cup2 



Description: 2023 Gulf Cup Baghdad2 FDC    Description: 2023 Gulf Cup Basra2 FDC


Description: 2023 Gulf Cup2 Block (1)        Description: 2023 Gulf Cup2 Block (2)

Proposed date of issue:  08/01/2023

Denominations: Seven stamps sets consisting of 5 x 500 and 2 x 1000 Dinars stamp denominations.  Four of the set’s denominations appeared in two illustrative margined block of four sheet-lets.

Stamps designed by: Sa’ad Ghazi for Al-Faw Breakwaters and Mohammed Khudhair stamps, whiles the rest by Bahaa Talib

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm.

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 4x6

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 10,000 stamp sets and 3000 of each two stamp sheet-lets.

Centenary of Mayoralty of Baghdad

مئوية امانة بغداد

Date of release: 27/02/2023

تاريخ الإصدار:27/02/2023

 Description: 2023 Baghdad Day


 Description: 2023 Baghdad Day FDC

Proposed date of issue: 23/02/2023

Denominations: single 1,000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Asim Mohammed

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 4x6 stamps per sheet with illustrative stamps’ sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps.

International Women’s day, (Baghdad Capital of Arab Women)

يوم المرأة العالمي (بغداد عاصمة المرأة العربية)

Date of release: 15/03/2023

تاريخ الإصدار:15/03/2023

  Description: 2023 Women


Description: 2023 Women FDC 

Proposed date of issue: 08/03/2023

Denominations: single 500 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Asim Mohammed

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps.

Centenary of the Iraqi Museum

مئوية المتحف العراقي

Date of release: 15/03/2023

تاريخ الإصدار:15/03/2023

 Description: 2023 Museum


 Description: 2023 Museum FDC

Proposed date of issue: 11/03/2023

Denominations: two 500 and 1000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Haider Khalid (Iraqi Museum)

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps.


The Iraqi Academic Day

يوم الأكاديمي العراقي

Date of release: 09/04/2023

تاريخ الإصدار:09/04/2023

 Description: 2023 Iraqi Academic


Description: 2023 Iraqi Academic  FDC 

Proposed date of issue: 04/04/2023

Denominations: single 500 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Asim Mohammed 

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 10,000 stamps.

First Investment & Mining Conference

المؤتمر الاول للإستثمار والتعدين

Date of release: 07/05/2023

تاريخ الإصدار:07/05/2023


Description: Investment and Mineral Conference

Description: 2023 FDC

Proposed date of issue: 03/05/2023

Denominations: single 1000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Hiba Farook (MoI)

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 10,000 stamps.

PMF (militia) ninth foundation anniversary

الذكرى السنوية التاسعة لتاسيس ميليشيا الحشد

Date of release: 21/06/2023

تاريخ الإصدار:21/06/2023


Description: 2023 PMF Stamps set


Description: 2023 PMF FDC

Proposed date of issue: 13/06/2023

Denominations: two 500 and 1500 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Asim Mohammed 

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps.

Shaet’s Arba’een Rituals

الذكرى السنوية لزيارة لاربعين

Date of release: 11/09/2023

تاريخ الإصدار:  11/09/2023




Description: 2023 Arbaeen set

Description: 2023 Arbaeen 5000 D SSheet





Description: 2023 Arbaeen FDCDescription: 2023 Arbaeen Baghdad FDC

Proposed date of issue: 05/09/2023

Denominations: Three, 1,000 & 1,500 Dinars stamp set and a 5,000 Dinars S/Sheet.

Stamps designed by: Asim Mohammed 

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm, while 10.00x7.00 cm for the S/Sheet

Stamps perforation: 13.25 and imperforated for the S/Sheets

Stamps sheets: in 6x4 stamps in a colorful pictorial margined sheet.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 20,000 stamps sets and 1,000 S/Sheets.

Nazik Al-Bala’ika Birth Centenary

الذكرى المئوية لميلاد الشاعرة نازك الملائكة

Date of release: 27/09/2023

تاريخ الإصدار: 27/09/2023


Description: set




Description: NAZEK STAMP 00

Proposed date of issue: 24/05/2023

Denominations: two 750 and 1250 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Farooq Hassan for the 750 Dinars stamp denomination and Waleed Naďf Mohammed for the 1250 Dinars stamp denomination 

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 20,000 stamps.

Endorsement of the Iraqi Constitution

اقرار الدستور العراقي

Date of release: 22/11/2023

تاريخ الإصدار: 22/11/2023


Description: 2023



Description: 2023 Constitution




Proposed date of issue: 15/10/2023

Denominations: single 1000 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by:  Asim Mohammed

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 20,000 stamps.

The Iraqi National Day

اليوم الوطني العراقي

Date of release: 29/11/2023

تاريخ الإصدار: 29/11/2023


Description: 2023 National Day



Description: 2023 Iraqi National day FDC



Proposed date of issue: 03/10/2023

Denominations: single 1250 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by:  Asim Mohammed

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margins.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 20,000 stamps.

Hamas Offensive in Gaza (Toofan Al-Aqsa)

هجوم حماس على مستوطنات غلاف غزة )طوفان الاقصى(

Date of release: 07/12/2023

تاريخ الإصدار: 07/12/2023






Description: 2023 Toofan Al-Aqsa

Description: 2023 Toofan Al-Aqsa S-Sheet







Description: 2023 Toofan Al-Aqsa FDC


Denominations: A single 2,000 Dinars stamp and a 5,000 Dinars S/Sheet.

Stamps designed by: Asim Mohammed 

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm, while 10.50x8.00 cm for the S/Sheet

Stamps perforation: 13.25 and imperforated for the S/Sheets

Stamps sheets: in 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margins.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps and 1,000 S/Sheets.

An additional 2,000 S/Sheets and 5,000 of the 2000 Dinars Stamp denominations were released on December 17, 2023

Also see the delayed 1000 Dinars Toofan Al-Aqsa stamp Denomination for a final set of 2-stamps and a S/Sheet.


International day of Anti-Corruption

اليوم العالمي لمكافحة الفساد

Date of release: 20/12/2023

تاريخ الإصدار: 20/12/2023


Description: 2023 Integrity Stamp Set



Description: 2023 Integrity FDC

Proposed date of issue: 09/12/2023

Denominations: two 1000 and 1250 Dinars stamp.

Stamps designed by: Asim Mohammed for the 1,000 Dinars stamp denomination and Haider from the Federal Commission of Integrity for the 1,250 Dinars stamp denomination 

Stamp dimensions: 3.00 x 4.00 cm

Stamps perforation: 13.25

Stamps sheets: 6x4 stamps per sheet with white sheet margin.

Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography on glossy white pre-gummed paper.

Printed in Iraq Post Press, Baghdad, Iraq.

Quantity printed 5,000 stamps.



Stamps list 2000-03

Stamps list 2004-07

Stamps list 2008-09

Stamps list 2010-11

Stamps list 2012-13

Stamps list 2014-15

Stamps list 2016-17

Stamps list 2018-19

Stamps list 2020-21

Order here

For those interested to work on the upcoming new issues, Iraqi Post welcomes applicants from all over the world. For specifications and contest conditions, contact

يرحب بريد العراق بالمتقدمين من العراق وخارجه للعمل على تصاميم الطوابع العراقية القادمة. للحصول على المواصفات وشروط المسابقة من المهتمين الاتصال على البريد الاليكتروني:

Description: image081


Only € 5.00 for an electronic version of a 67 pages, Iraqi stamps guide, listing all Iraqi postage stamps as well as to Kurdistan stamp releases and more from the year 1990 up to date.

Last revisionApril 10, 2024